Weather Information
Other Information
Rain Gauge Heater State
State Since: 11:32 15/02/2025
Updated: 04:47 16/02/2025
Site News
Following are the changes and updates made to the site, in reverse chronological order. Keep and eye on this page to get the latest information on new features and additions to the site.
Forecast For Fife Towns
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Following a great suggestion from site visitor Dave, the Fife Forecast page has been updated with a new local forecast menu, which can be used to display more specific forecasts for popular towns and cities across Fife.
St Andrews SkyCam Down
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The FifeWeather SkyCam at the St Andrews University is currently experiencing some ongoing technical issues. As a result this camera will be offline for a period of time whilst a replacement / technical fix is put in place. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Watermarking of Aberdour Camera
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Update: 27 October 2018 - I have decided to remove the watermarking from both the live stream (done some time ago) and the WeatherCam itself. Thanks to all those who provided feedback and for your patience.
St Andrews Skycam Issues Continue
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Unfortunately the SkyCam at St. Andrews continues to experience intermittent connectivity issues, resulting in periods of downtime.
SkyCam Maintenance & Reorientation
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Today the St Andrews SkyCam underwent some much-needed maintenance, to improve its reliability.
Web site maintenance 18th Jan @ 22:00
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This maintenance has now been completed.
SkyCam Goes Live
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Our new, near 360° SkyCam, housed at the Unversity of St Andrews, went live today. This unique camera provides full-dome images of the sky over St Andrews, both day and night.
New Current Conditions Dashboard
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You may have noticed the new weather conditions dashboard on the home page. We've redesigned the dashboard to hopefully make the information a little easier to digest.
Introducing Dynamic Graphs
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Our new dynamic, user-defined weather graphs puts almost 10 years worth of historical Fife weather data in your hands.
Live Rain Radar Updated
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Our rain radar page has been updated and now features a new live radar display covering Fife and surrounding areas, which updates once every 5 minutes (as often as the radar network allows).