Site News

Following are the changes and updates made to the site, in reverse chronological order. Keep and eye on this page to get the latest information on new features and additions to the site.

If you run a Fife-based business and would like to reach a predominately Fife-based online audience, we've just launched a limited, trial advertising programme on  

Finally the new website has arrived! After three solid months of work, both on the weather-station hardware and the web site itself, the new site has finally gone live.

Apologies for the intermittent coverage of rainfall today, as the old station's rain gauge dropped out again mid-morning. The good news is that I believe I've managed to arrange a temporary solution, that should keep the rain gauge online now until the old station/website are replaced by the new station/site, hopefully next month.

The bad news first: the old automatic weather station has developed yet another fault, this time with the rain gauge, which is resulting in intermittent failure to record rainfall.

The good news: the new station is operational and logging data, but this is not currently being published to the internet, although it is being recorded into the new weather database.

Once the new site goes live, hopefully early next month, the historical data from the new station will be present and correct. Obviously I'm focusing my energy at the moment on getting the new station online rather than investing time resolving issues with the old station.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.

Further to the previous update, things are progressing well with the development of the new website and weather station.

If all goes to plan, the new site should launch very early this Autumn. It's been a rather large undertaking to put it mildly, as every aspect of both the weather station and website has been re-done, but hopefully the results will be worth it.

As a necessary part of developing the new site, certain features of the existing site have been reviewed to see how much use they get. One feature, the mailing lists, has seen very little uptake and usage over the past several years. This is no doubt largely due to the many other avenues that the realtime current conditions can be obtained from, such as the mobile site, as well as the site's live observations twitter feed. As a result, the mailing lists will be discontinued at the end of August and will not be replaced at this stage. The few parties who are subscribed to the mailing lists will be notified of this change via e-mail.

Further updates will follow as the change-over to the new website approaches.

Over the coming 3-4 weeks, there are going to be some fairly major changes taking place to Some changes will be behind-the-scenes as old and unserviceable weather station components are replaced with new hardware. These changes will likely be un-noticeable.

Other changes will be more visible, as we're migrating our website to a high-availability, high-speed server, which will ensure stays online.

The new will be a complete rebuild of the existing site, and there will almost certainly be a few interruptions to service along the way. We will try and advise beforehand when these are likely to occur.

Your patience is appreciated as we implement these changes and hopefully the result will be a much improved website and station.

Kind regards,


WeatherCam Previews

Click previews for full size

Lochgelly WeatherCam Preview

Aberdour WeatherCam Preview

Anstruther WeatherCam Preview

Forth View:
Forth View WeatherCam Preview

Kinghorn WeatherCam Preview

St Andrews:
St Andrews WeatherCam Preview

Upper Largo:
Upper Largo WeatherCam Preview

St Andrews SkyCam:
St Andrews SkyCam Preview

Non-Fife Weathercams:

Arduaine (near Oban):
Arduaine WeatherCam Preview

Fife Weather Warnings

There are currently no Met Office weather warnings issued for Fife.